Meditation Zendo



Fran was inspired by, and collected, the following thoughts.


The wedding vow

Intreat me not to abandon thee: for whither thou goest, I will go; where thou lodgest, I will lodge; thy people shall be my people, and thy god my god.
Where thou diest, will I die, and there will I be buried.

Ruth 1:16


we are so both and oneful
night cannot be so sky
sky cannot be so sunful
i am through you so i

e e cummings


i thank you god for this most this amazing day
for the leaping greenly spirits of trees
and a blue true dream of sky and for everything
which is natural which is infinite which is yes

e e cummings


After you’re gone
People will forget what you said.
People will forget what you did.
People will never forget
How you made them feel.

Maya Angelou


What will survive of us is love.

Philip Larkin


The dewdrop world is
The dewdrop world
And yet
And yet…




A coded message handwritten by Reed for Caitlin and Matthew:

Dipolum Citnl & Meweth
Fid jum liltantom crachor
Talikz suepidge falux
Indipkited finloply,
Adakitol umpelt.

Translation written on the back: 
Dear Caitlin and Matthew 
I love you two too, 
and I want you to be 
as happy as kittens
and wise ones too!



Nobody sees a flower, really.
It is so small, it takes time –
We haven’t time – and it takes time,
Like to have a friend takes time.

Georgia O’Keefe



You can’t go deep unless you go slow.
Take care, and, if possible, slow down.
You know our commitment really needs to be to ourselves,
Because we are the work. Separation is the illusion that constantly
Trips human beings up.

Richard Pierce


This is my flock
The flock of supporters who surround me…
The flock who believe in me
The flock who lift me up
When I cannot fly
This is my flock
We sail together on
The wings of our dreams..
This is my flock.

(No attribution)



To live in the world

You must be able
To do three things:
To love what is mortal;
To hold it
Against your bones knowing
Your own life depends on it;
And, when the time comes to let it go,
To let it go.

 Mary Oliver



A clown puts his make-up on
Upside down
So he wears a smile
Even when he wears a frown.

John Prine


Safety Joe, Safety Joe
What do you say?
What do you know?
If you don’t loosen up the buckle
On your heart and start to chuckle
Well, you’re going to die of boredom, Safety Joe!

John Prine



May all your trails be crooked,
Winding, lonesome, dangerous,
Leading to the most amazing view…
Where something strange and more
Beautiful and more full of wonder
Than your deepest dreams waits for you.

Edward Abbey



We clasp the hands of those that
Go before us.

And the hands of those who
Come after us.

We enter the little circle of
Each other’s arms.

And the circle of lovers,
Whose hands are joined in a dance.

And the circle of all creatures,

Passing in and out of life,
Who move also in a dance.

To music so subtle and vast
That no one hears it

            Except in fragments.

Wendell Berry


Life is eternal,
Love is immortal,
And death is only a horizon:
And a horizon is nothing save
The limit of our sight.

Rossiter Worthington Raymond (1840-1918)


Life Again

            Out of the dark a shadow,
Then a spark.

            Out of the could a silence,
Then a lark.

            Out of the heart a rapture,
Then a pain.

            Out of the dead, cold ashes,
Life again.

John Rossiter Tabb



But when I breathe with the birds,
The spirit of wrath becomes the spirit of blessing.
And the dead begin from their dark
To sing in my sleep.

Theodore Roethke



May all your weeds be wildflowers –
Weeds are flowers too, once you
Get to know them.

AA Milne